Friday, June 11, 2010

Beach Behaviors

In my opinion...

Children should not wear thongs.

Men should not wear thongs.

A bra is not a substitute for a swimsuit.

Men should not have binoculars at the beach. (exception being lifeguards)

Topless women in thongs should not lay on top of their Speedo-clad boyfriends for make out sessions.

Children should wear swimsuits. Especially if said children are in elementary school.

Bikinis aren't for everyone....

Several weeks of observing beach behaviors here have led me to develop strong opinions on this subject. Some of these opinions are based on much more extreme examples than I care to describe. For instance, the making out part is putting my observations mildly to say the least. And I've seen children as old as 12 bathing suit-less or wearing mere thongs.

Call me old fashioned, but I still believe in leaving something to the imagination. Around here, I'm clearly in the minority on this mindset.

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